Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Player Piano Code

As long as "The Da Vinci Code" is so popular right now, I thought I'd piggy back a story onto that popularity and get some sales.
It's called "The Player Piano Code". It's about New Orleans (also Tie-in to Katrina which is still in the news a year later- see, I know how to sell stories). A player piano roll has turned up with a lot of additional flourishes which weren't in any of the original sheet music by the author. Everyone thought it was just the musician being fancy- until one mathemetician who was looking over the roll discovered very strangely mathematical patterns in the extra flourishes. He runs it through some mathematical calculations and uses a computer to help him and finds--- a code revealing deep secrets that lead him to the old voodoo creole superstitions! They turn out not to be such susperstitions after all, but a clever camoflauge. Where this leads is a mystery I won't tell- it'll spoil the book! But let's just say it winds and intertwines from New Orleans to Timbuktu, to Morroco and Europe, and even to ancient codes buried in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach! (ha- you THOUGH his music was a little too mathematical to just be entertainment, right?)
Further installments may be coming...


Blogger Kyra said...

Oooh! Tell me more, tell me more!
..or maybe you can wait a year until I finish Gemini, and then I'll draw it up in manga format for you ^_^ (semi-serious. sounds like a fun story!)

June 26, 2006 4:45 AM  

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